Work on new Soo Lock continues | News, Sports, Jobs - The Mining Journal

2022-07-30 02:26:00 By : Ms. shirely Wang

SAULT STE. MARIE — With only closeout items remaining the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District’s New Lock at the Soo has substantially completed its first phase of construction, the corps announced.

“We are waiting on final survey results and anticipate they will show the deepened areas as complete, really only have some punch-list type items, groundskeeping and site cleanup remaining,” said project supervisory civil engineer Rachel Miller in a news release.

Trade West Construction, Inc., of Nevada, began deepening the upstream channel May 4, 2020. Using a submergible excavator attachment called a hydraulic ripper, Trade West broke up bedrock approximately 6 feet thick over a three-quarter-mile long stretch, primarily sandstone, from the north channel to a 30-foot depth. The channel depth is needed to accommodate the large Great Lakes freighters.

Around 300,000 cubic yards of material, including bedrock and overburden was removed using the ripper, stone grinders and excavator buckets.

Two major phases of the project remain for the New Lock. Phase 2, rehabilitating the upstream approach walls, began in 2021. Following the winter downtime, season two work began again this year in mid-April. This work stabilizes the existing approach walls to allow modern vessels to tie up and wait their turn to pass through the New Lock.

The Phase 2 contractor is Kokosing-Alberici LLC, a joint venture of Kokosing Industrial of Ohio and Alberici Constructors of Missouri. They are on track for completion by summer 2024.

The Detroit District awarded Phase 3 on July 1.

The corps said the new lock project will construct a second Poe-sized lock, 1,200 feet by 110 feet on the site of the existing decommissioned Davis and Sabin locks.

For more information about the New Soo Lock project, visit

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