Agricultural Business of the Year: Alleghany Services digs into science one field at a time | Top Story |

2022-09-17 03:04:24 By : Mr. Kevin Chan

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Mark Gutman/Daily News Chad Klotzbach, left, joined his father Drew Klotzbach, right, full time at Alleghany Services in 2010. The company, which provides commercial excavation, site preparation, land leveling, agricultural construction management, and farm drainage, has seen significant growth in recent years.

Mark Gutman/Daily News Alleghany Services owners Chad Klotzbach, back, and his father Drew Klotzbach, right, work with John Jondle, seated, a drainage engineer at their business in Basom .

Mark Gutman/Daily News Basom-based Alleghany Services, consists of multiple companies that provides service to customers in New York and six other states.

Mark Gutman/Daily News Chad Klotzbach, left, joined his father Drew Klotzbach, right, full time at Alleghany Services in 2010. The company, which provides commercial excavation, site preparation, land leveling, agricultural construction management, and farm drainage, has seen significant growth in recent years.

Mark Gutman/Daily News Alleghany Services owners Chad Klotzbach, back, and his father Drew Klotzbach, right, work with John Jondle, seated, a drainage engineer at their business in Basom .

Mark Gutman/Daily News Basom-based Alleghany Services, consists of multiple companies that provides service to customers in New York and six other states.

Basom-based Alleghany Services, consists of multiple companies that provides service to customers in New York and six other states, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Delaware and Maryland.

Alleghany Farm Services and Alleghany Construction are the two largest companies encompassed in Alleghany Services, which is led by Chad Klotzbach, managing partner; Drew Klotzbach, partner; and Dianne Klotzbach, partner.

The company was founded by Drew and Dianne Klotzbach in 1983. Drew’s son Chad became involved full-time in 2010, which helped to modernize and streamline the drainage portion of Farm Services.

Alleghany Farm Services, 7342 Alleghany Road, Basom, is an agricultural drainage management company that aides in land improvement through the design and installation of drainage tiles.

This year, The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce named Alleghany Farm Services as the Agricultural Business of the Year for 2022.

“We’re incredibly grateful for the honor. All our employees put in so much time and energy, many times going above and beyond for our customers, really, we would not have been able to do any of this if it wasn’t for them,” said Chad.

Relying heavily on word-of-mouth business, Alleghany Farm Services provides knowledge, experience and professionalism with each job.

“Our jobs require us to do the research, understand the science, and provide our customers with the latest and most up-to-date knowledge, usually coming out of the Midwest and southern Ontario, Canada. Most of our new customers have come from a contractor that’s ‘always done it that way’ and no one really knows why – or they’re completely new to drainage. Either situation, most of my job has come down to education, and even with that, I’m constantly learning new things to deliver better solutions. The science behind how sub-surface drainage works is actually fascinating… it’s way more complex than just digging in a line with a backhoe and hoping the water drains away. You must account for soil types, land usage, water quality, erosion, the list goes on… Using this knowledge, our own personal field experience, regularly updating our equipment with the latest technology as well as hiring extremely talented staff, we are proud to have experienced incredible business growth because of our investments,” said Chad.

Those in need of drainage solutions should contact Alleghany Farm Services with any inquires They can then expect to be walked through potential solutions with the assistance of experts.

“Our sales team is always the first point of contact. We then start to collect survey data, either through physically driving the field with our four-wheeler and rover, or using government provided elevation data. Using that and other research of existing tiles, soil types, wetlands, and other notable features as well as customer asks, we then create our design. Once the design and quote are adjusted and approved, we start to schedule either one of the plows, trencher or vineyard plow for install. We can install on average about 15,000 feet a day per machine. We do everything, so our customers can be as involved as they want to be throughout the process. We backfill everything and clean up the job once it’s completed. We stand by our work and remain in contact after projects are completed to make sure everything is performing correctly and address any follow-on work – and to ensure our clients are satisfied with their projects and continue working on future projects together,” said Chad.

On an average day, Alleghany Farm Services works with the traditional large dairy, grain, and vegetable operations, but also often work with individual landowners.

“…We try to focus more on building the relationship as opposed to doing a job. This isn’t a service that you hire and never hear from the contractor again, this is an investment that requires maintenance, and we try to always be available for questions and concerns. It is our job to be the experts, so we focus on keeping up to date with the latest developments and research, as well as being a part of the research. We are currently working with organizations around the Chesapeake Bay, which are trying to drain fields better, doing things like limiting nutrient run off – which is both costly for farmers and bad for the environment,” said Chad.

“With our new narrow plow, we’ve been able to work in several existing vineyards and orchards,” he continued. “This is such a new concept; I’ve had, I think, five customers actually come and measure the plow because they didn’t believe it would fit between their grape rows.”

Alleghany Farm Services has installed more than 20 million feet of pipe throughout the last 10 years and more than doubled its company size in the last five years. Additionally, they are the first adopter of GPS in drainage design and installation in the northeast. In the future, patrons can expect Alleghany Farm Services to continue to invest in their community, providing good jobs and a great place to work.

“Genesee County is such a great place to live and do business in. We have started to have these open house events during the year to show the community who we are and what we do. So, if you know anyone that has questions about tiling, or might need some drainage give us a call,” said Chad.

For more information about Alleghany Farm Services or drainage, call (585) 762-4411 or visit or email

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