• Questions linger on Murchison falls safety plan as oil activities kick off | Monitor

    by admin on 2022-07-23 02:37:08

    A grader at the site of the Jobi-Rii 5 well pad inside Murchison Falls National Park. JR 5 is one the 10 planned well pads in the park.  Photos/Frederic Musisi

    Inside the cloistered boardrooms of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU), the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), and the Natio

  • sprite-times-solid

    by admin on 2022-07-23 02:37:06

    Amid all the talk about renewable and clean energy, a company formed in 2020 named Quaise has managed to raise US$63 million in funding to jumpstart its endeavor to drill deeper into the Earth's crust than any entity has done before.

    The end goal of Quaise's ambitious drilling project is

  • CTL (Compact Track Loader) and SSL (Skid Steer Loader) Market

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  • With clothes ablaze, Spanish man filmed barely escaping wildfire - National | Globalnews.ca

    by admin on 2022-07-23 02:36:40

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    A Spanish man in his 50s was filmed making a dramatic escape from a raging wildfire after his digger was engulfed in flames on Monday in the northwestern region of Castilla y León.

    Ángel Martín Arjona was in the field tha

  • With clothes ablaze, Spanish man filmed barely escaping wildfire - National | Globalnews.ca

    by admin on 2022-07-23 02:36:39

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    A Spanish man in his 50s was filmed making a dramatic escape from a raging wildfire after his digger was engulfed in flames on Monday in the northwestern region of Castilla y León.

    Ángel Martín Arjona was in the field tha

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  • Crawler Excavators Market May See a Big Move | Major Giants – Caterpillar, JCB, Volvo – Travel Adventure Cinema

    by admin on 2022-07-23 02:36:22

    Latest business intelligence report released on Global Crawler Excavators Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about

  • Crawler Excavators Market May See a Big Move | Major Giants – Caterpillar, JCB, Volvo – Travel Adventure Cinema

    by admin on 2022-07-23 02:36:22

    Latest business intelligence report released on Global Crawler Excavators Market, covers different industry elements and growth inclinations that helps in predicting market forecast. The report allows complete assessment of current and future scenario scaling top to bottom investigation about

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    ABILENE, Texas (KTAB/KRBC) – As a fire burned in the far south area of Abilene, another was started on Highway 36 and Potosi Road.

    This fire began around 3:00 p.m., south of the airport. The first on scene happened